Quantum Dice
Quantum Dice aims to protect a connected future by harnessing the fundamental quantum properties of light for provable, secure encryption. It is developing the world’s fastest self-certifying quantum random number generator (QRNG). The technology is key to a wide range of applications ranging from protecting communication networks to providing quantum-secure entropy for satellite and IoT systems.
Since its founding in 2020, Quantum Dice has received multiple awards for its innovative technology, such as the Institute of Physics Business Start-Up Award and a European Technology Award and has seen rapid growth. Supported by world leading strategic programmes, such as SETSquared and Intel for Startups, it is now scaling to meet market need for provable keys to their security.
Start Date
The Journey
“The support received from the Innovate UK ICURe team was invaluable for Quantum Dice. Our iCURe team spanned the Quantum Technology Enterprise Centre at the University of Bristol and the University of Oxford’s Department of Physics and allowed us to conduct focused market validation activities over the summer of 2020.”
George Dunlop, Director of Partnerships & Co-Founder, Quantum Dice
Contact Form
Began NxNW iCURe Cohort E
Completed NxNW iCURe Cohort E
ICURe Programme funding
Spin-out from University of Oxford complete
Raised Pre-Seed £1m investment (Elaia Partners, IP Group and UK Innovation and Science Seed Fund) matching £1m in grant support from InnovateUK
Received Institute of Physics Startup Award 2021
What companies had to say about the Innovate UK ICURe programme?
"ICURe backed our spin-out to commercialise the IP and provided further support to accelerate the development and growth of the company.”
George Dunlop
Director of Partnerships & Co-Founder
Future Goals
Our goal at Quantum Dice is to secure our increasingly connected world by enabling trusted encryption. We are leveraging an innovation that was originally developed at the University of Oxford’s quantum optics laboratory. This is a novel method to generate provably quantum random numbers, continuously verified through our patented photonic quantum architecture.
We are developing hardware products based on this architecture which are designed to be sold and integrated into the hardware security infrastructure of everything from data centres to the ever-growing IoT networks. Additionally, being an infrastructure solution, our innovation can benefit the wider community and enable many new technological advancements such as Industry 4.0 and Smart Cities.